Welcome to the XLNT Foundation website.
Worldwide, over 5,000 people die of cancer unnecessarily EVERY DAY, and over 50 million cancer deaths can be attributable to the use of the LNT model during the 4 past decades (the period of 1980-2020).
To stop this tragedy, we are dedicated to enabling needed research into the positive health effects of low-dose ionizing radiation (called radiation hormesis). But this research is not happening… because of unwarranted fears surrounding low dose radiation exposure. For more than half a century, the public has been misled about the risks of low-dose radiation. At the root of this lie is the “Linear No Threshold” (LNT) model, according to which the smallest amount of radiation increases cancer risk. If we eliminate the use of the LNT model, we would be able to reduce the fear of low-dose radiation, enable clinical trials of low-dose radiation to prevent cancers, and achieve considerable reduction of cancers, which has been difficult to achieve through traditional approaches.
Hence, our mission is: To educate the public on the positive health effects of low dose ionizing radiation, and to campaign for eliminating use of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model in order to enhance public health.
Our goal is to “X-OUT” LNT.

This website will give you all the background and detail you need to understand this issue and what needs to be done to counteract it. Join us!
There are indeed many more potential benefits from eliminating the use of the LNT model as described elsewhere in this website.
Potential benefits from our success:
Reduction of many currently intractable diseases including cancer, Alzheimer's & Parkinson's diseases, diabetes, etc. for which low-dose radiation has shown promise
Increased use of safe, clean, reliable, inexpensive, sustainable nuclear power by reducing low-dose radiation concerns and regulations; acceleration of economic development in developing countries and elevation of quality of life
Reduced public concerns regarding low radiation levels; reduced costs to the public of various radiation uses: medical, academic, scientific, and industrial
Avoid panic evacuation and casualties in case of radiation accidents involving low level radiation exposure

Next section: Reasons to eliminate the LNT model