Additional Reasons to not use LNT Model
LNT model kills. It should not be used.
LNT model says:
If radiation dose increases slightly, cancers would increase.
Japanese government believed in it. Evacuated Fukushima.
Deaths due to evacuation > 1000
Number of lives saved from avoiding low doses of radiaion = 0
Deaths caused by the LNT model > 1000
LNT model kills. It should not be used.
Shelter at the Fukushima Agricultural Center in Koriyama
Reproduced with permission from Peter Jacobs
LNT model is senseless. It should not be used.
LNT model says:
Because 1000 mSv causes 1000 cancers, e.g., 1 mSv would cause 1 cancer.
This is like saying:
Because 100% of the people who jumped from a height of 1000 feet died, if 1000 people jump from the height of 1 foot, 1 out of 1000 people would die. Such thinking is senseless.
LNT model is senseless. It should not be used.
LNT model is responsible for millions of preventable cancer deaths. It should not be used.
LNT model led to the policy: Keep radiation doses As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
Led to fear of low levels of radiation
Prevented study of radiation hormesis when it was proposed by Prof. Luckey in 1980. Evidence for radiation hormesis is becoming stronger, and evidence for LNT model is being discredited
Conclusion: Radiation hormesis is real.
~20% of cancer deaths could have been prevented, if radiation hormesis had been studied in 1980s.
Millions of cancer deaths could have been prevented over the past four decades.
LNT model caused millions of preventable cancer deaths.
It should not be used.
Low-dose radiation treatments
gave better results compared to chemotheray
there were very few side effects.
LNT model is a major hurdle for studying and using this method of treatment.
LNT model blocked low-dose radiation cancer treatments which have very few side effects. It should not be used.
LNT model blocked low-dose radiation cancer treatments which have very few side effects.
Clinical trials have shown low-dose radiation is effective in treating cancer, with very little side effects.
LNT model is risky for patients having CT scans - It should not be used.
The radiation concerns due to the LNT model
Attempts to reduce radiation dose from CT scans
Resulted in nondiagnostic images
Potential for harm to patients from misdiagnosis
Reproduced, with permission, from: Goske M J, Strauss K J, Coombs L P, et al. Diagnostic reference ranges for pediatric abdominal CT. Radiology 2013;268:208-218. Copyright by RSNA.
LNT model is risky for patients having CT scans - It should not be used.
LNT model based fear and regulations have increased the cost of nuclear power with no benefit. LNT model should not be used.
LNT model based fears and concerns regarding low-dose radiation have
increased the cost of nuclear power due to ratcheting up of regulations and delays in construction
Note: LNT model, ALARA, and low-dose radiation concerns as well as other factors have contributed to the increased construction costs over these years.
discouraged the use of nuclear power even though it has proven to be the safest method of power generation.
Nuclear power had the lowest fatality rate per energy produced. The relative safety of nuclear power was vividly illustrated by recent events:
In Fukushima: Major accidents in 3 nuclear power plants in 2011
caused no deaths from radiation exposures
no one is expected to die from radiation effects
E.g. 2013 UNSCEAR Report on Fukushima says:
“The doses to the general public, both those incurred during the first year and estimated for their lifetimes, are generally low or very low. No discernible increased incidence of radiation-related health effects are expected among exposed members of the public or their descendants”.
In New York: natural gas pipeline explosion
resulted in 8 deaths and 79 injuries
If this neighborhood had utilized energy from Nuclear Power Plants rather than from natural gas, these deaths and injuries could have been avoided.

East Harlem gas blast by Adnan Islam is licensed under CC BY 2.0
LNT model based fear and regulations have increased the cost of nuclear power tremendously with no benefit. LNT model should not be used.
LNT model based fear and regulations have inhibited many beneficial uses of radiation. LNT model should not be used.
LNT model based fears and concerns and the resulting regulations have
increased the cost of all uses of radiation including radiation therapy, nuclear power, etc.
inhibited the use of nuclear power, diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, etc.
inhibited research of low-dose radiation for cancer prevention and treatment
inhibited research of low-dose radiation for controlling Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other intractable diseases
inhibited the use of radiation for food preservation
LNT model based fear and regulations have inhibited many beneficial uses of radiation. LNT model should not be used.
Please join us and/or help us in our campaign to discontinue its use.
Next section: An Overview